How to start - Entrepreneurship


   As a BYU-I Online student, I’ve learned that in order to start living as an entrepreneur, we have to Dream Big and start with Small Steps.
As human beings, our brain will always choose comfort and what we already know because it is where we feel safe, and leaving our comfort zone could be scary, and it is normal.

   One of the teachings that made me feel calmer was that we don't necessarily have to know what our “calling” is (or what I would call “passion”), which we believe each of us should have. And even if we haven’t discovered it yet, we do not have to let it keep us from moving forward. We still have to take the first step.

   Knowing in advance what I may come across on the way can be of great help. I have learned that some of the personal challenges that I am going to encounter in the world of entrepreneurship are:

- Accept that life is hard and seldom fair

- Know that you must persevere to develop the habits and character that will determine

your destiny

- Understand that choosing doesn’t mean you are in control, and that real entrepreneurs

learn to fail quickly, cheaply, and often

- Find the right fellow travelers, because you will tend to become like those who surround you.

   Finally, one of the mottos that I have followed every day in my life for several months and that I have strengthened in my first week of study at BYU-I Online is: “Keep Going”. Every time I fail, I say to myself: “Don't stop now, just keep going, keep moving, keep trying”. It helps me to keep moving forward when times are hard for me. I also strengthened my desire to continue studying and learning. To me, this is the only way to grow.
